plasticene for Animators
Newplast ™ is a non-drying, non-setting modelling material.

It is virtually identical to plasticine, and can be re-used many times.

Newplast™ is sufficiently pliable to make a wide variety of models, but is firm enough to retain its shape indefinitely.

Newplast™ is the material specified by most animators as being the only fit-for-purpose plasticine available.

Newplast™ is primarily available as a 500g Bar, in 24 different colours, 20 are supplied in the packs, normally as follows, but we reserve the right to swap colours out if they are currently unavailable:Newplast™

White Stone Grey Pink Violet
Mauve Red Light GreenGreen Turquoise
Blue Light Blue Yellow 0range Peach
Brown Dark Brown Black Terracotta Cerise

The mixed box of Newplast™ (containing 20 x 500g bars) are designed for animators but are also suitable for a wide variety of other modelling and related activities.

Cost only £28.00, plus VAT and carriage

Carriage is minimum£13.95 ex VAT to certain regions. As this is heavy carriage varies please call.

Excellent Value as normally 500g bars sell at over £3.00 per 500g bar.

Order now, 01926 842544

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