"Creativity is contagious. Pass it on."
Albert Einstein
Stop Motion Animation
From Only £29.95 +VAT
Create Great Green Screen/Chroma Key Video Presenations with I Can Present
Windows & macOS
From Only £49.95
(Less 15% Discount) +VAT
Create 'branching trees' containing pictures and text, see them dynamically grow Search, sort and question.
Windows only
Only £29.95 +VAT
Create & Print Amazing Banners
Multiple Licence Options
(Windows Only)
Easy to Use Data Handling software for schools
Spreadsheet, Database and Graphing (6-14 yrs)
Windows only
Only £45 +VAT
Pictograms, Block & Pie Charts
Early years data handling
Windows only
Only £29.95 +VAT
Easy to use painting program for young children
Windows only
Only £25.00 +VAT
Logo, control nd basic programming made fun
Windows only
Only £25.00 +VAT