
Please read this returns policy before purchasing goods from

Kudlian Software Limited

Kudlian Software Returns Policy

Under the Consumer Consumer Rights Act 2015, you can cancel your order for goods ordered online anytime from the moment you place your order and up to seven working days from the day after you receive it. All our goods are despatched recorded delivery. If goods have been shipped before you cancel your order, then you will be required to pay for the return.

Under these regulations however, there are items you cannot return if you "simply change your mind”, this includes computer software. if you have broken the seal or wrapping on a pack, or in the case of download licences, agreed to the download, and registered the software, the right for refund does not apply and is then at the discretion of Kudlian Software Limited.

You may RETURN goods within 14 days of the delivery date as long as they're not used and are returned undamaged and in their original packaging. See conditions below.


You are strongly advised to download a trial of the software before purchase as once a licence key is issued and or, the software is registered, no refund can be given, unless the goods are proven to be faulty.

You are able to download our software titles which can then be used for a trial period, before committing to purchase.

You cannot return software at any time, unless the software you are authorized to return is:

Software on physical media such as a DVD or CD that you have not opened or removed from its sealed package.

Software delivered electronically for which you have NOT accepted the license agreement or other applicable terms. This is normally that you have registered the software to a computer.


1) No goods may be returned without a returns code from Kudlian Software Limited.

2) All goods must be returned in a saleable condition.

3) The customer is responsible for payment of all shipping charges and goods and must be returned via an authorised carrier. You should ensure you get proof of shipping and delivery.

We accept no responsibility for goods in transit.


4) Where software has been installed to computers, all instances of the software must be removed from any machine it has been installed to.

Kudlian Software may legally ask for proof of this.

After the approval period, you are required to pay for the software licence(s).


Home User Software

By breaking the software seal on the box, you are accepting the licence conditions.

Software may be returned and refunded for 7 days after purchase only if the software is found to be faulty or has not been opened.

After this period, only software found to be faulty may be returned. Kudlian Software will replace the faulty software with a working version. A refund is discretional and would only be given if the fault cannot be fixed within a reasonable period.

Goods must be returned in a satisfactory state for resale, you should send them by a registered mail system to ensure delivery.

No refunds will be given on software that is purchased through download as customers are advised on system prerequisites and to download and trial the software before purchase to ensure functionality and compatibility. In the event that a customer finds software not working after purchase, a refund will only be given at the discretion of Kudlian Software Limited and if Kudlian Software can not rectify the reported issues.

Goods returned after fourteen days:

Refunds are at the discretion of Kudlian Software Limited.

A full refund, less postage and packing, will be given only through a voucher that can be used against other Kudlian Software products.

Cash refunds will not include postage costs and will incur a 20% handling and restocking charge.

PayPal Payments and Refunds

PayPal issued the following statement;

"As of March, 5th 2020, these changes will go into effect globally.

In line with industry practice and according to our updated policy, we will not charge a fee to process refunds, however fees from the original transaction will not be returned. This policy will not apply to duplicate transactions or voids. You can review the PayPal User Agreement for more information on our return policies.

We take changes to our User Agreement very seriously and only adjust our policies when we are confident the changes are fair and aligned with the value that our services provide to your business."

Kudlian Software will not refund any charges taken by PayPal during a PayPal transaction and will only be able to refund the original payment minus any charges levied by PayPal during the original transaction.

Apple App Store and Google Play Store

If you have purchased Apps from either the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store, then you should seek a refund through them. These 'stores' are resellers of the products and only they can issue refunds against purchases.


          •Kudlian Software will only accept hardware back for refund if:

               1.the goods have been damaged in transit

               2.or the goods are faulty upon arrival.

          •Post & Packaging will only be refunded at the discretion of Kudlian Soft.

          •Refunds will incur a 20% handling and restocking charge.